Site icon Dubai Is calling

Our Videos are Here! Let the Fun Begin

What’s been months in the making is finally here. Our first Video is out now, and it gives you a taste of what’s to come. Watch as our effortlessly amusing presenters, Sean and Daniel, show you around Dubai and expose you to all of its glitz and glamour. This video is just the tip of the iceberg. What’s coming next is the real deal so make sure you stay tuned! Following that will be a full-fledged show broadcasting engaging entertainment and jokes you never heard before.

There is so much we can put into words. Don’t get us wrong, we are all for delivering all the deets through our info-packed blogs, but just like what they say – a video speaks a thousand words, (or something along those lines). We dot our ‘i’s and cross our t’s, but Sean and Daniel will bring our words to LIFE!!!

Are you listening? Dubai is calling

You can find us all over social media so you can have a good time no matter where you are. Make sure to follow us on all our socials to get the most out of the experience and keep informed about what’s going on in Dubai.

Follow us on

  • Tiktok to watch Sean and Daniel having the time of their lives and simply being their raw uninhibited selves,
  • YouTube it is the main source of our AMAZING videos
  • Pinterest to benefit from our useful info graphics
  • Twitter to stay informed and entertained
  • Facebook and Instagram to have a time like no other!

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