GITEX technology week is back but this time, it’s here with the best technology in the whole world. Check out what all you shouldn’t miss at GITEX 2021.
A one of a kind event that displays several technological marvels every year, this time the Gulf Information Technology Exhibition, a.k.a GITEX, has returned more powerful than ever. It specifically emphasizes technology that’s smart, safe, and seamless, and this edition of GITEX is considered to be the biggest technological event ever since the pandemic has hit.
The event provides a wonderful opportunity to the public of the country to witness supercars, robots, the best of smartphones, and some mind-boggling innovations of the future. Over 3,000 exhibitors are presenting at the 41st GITEX event, with several big names such as Etisalat, Huawei, Ericsson, and a lot more!
Though GITEX 2021 features the best of the world, there are a few things that shouldn’t be missed out on once you’re at the Dubai World Trade Centre. Here are the highlights of this year’s GITEX exhibition:
1. Air speeder at The Etisalat Pavilion
When the event promises technology beyond imagination, they truly mean it. The Air speeder flying racing car is 4.1 meters long and is one of the biggest attractions at GITEX. Several media reports claim that the flying car can take up a speed of 120 km/hour, the prototype can take up a speed of 160 km/hour, whereas the one on display can race at the speed of 250 km/hour.

2. Mind-Reading Mercedes Benz Car
Mercedes has now reached its, “Been there, done that!” moment with the mind-reading brand new Mercedes Benz, known as Vision Avtr. Whatever you think of, the car’s inbuilt AI feature can understand it and follow your instructions. The only thing the driver needs to do is wear the mind-control device, which is a head band coming with the fully metal-based car.

3. Golden Visa At GITEX 2021
Dubai’s newly launched Golden Visa can now be applied at the Sheikh Saeed Hall of Dubai World Trade Centre. The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) explains to you the entire procedure at the platform for the visa, and it can be applied then and there itself if you meet the required criteria.
In Conclusion
Currently with the GITEX 2021 and EXPO 2020, Dubai has been capable enough of displaying world-class technology to the entire world. Over 140 countries have participated in this year’s event and more than 450 speakers are delivering their valuable words at the event. The contribution of women in technology is also well highlighted throughout the week. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to visit the technological marvel!
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